Cardiac rehabilitation is a four-phase program to help patients help their hearts. Specially trained staff members devise an individualized exercise and education program for each patient. The goal: strengthen the heart and improve the patient's quality of life. When you're in cardiac rehabilitation, you are still under the care of your doctor. Our cardiac rehabilitation registered nurse sends progress reports to your doctor.
People who have had a heart attack or cardiac surgery (coronary bypass surgery, angioplasty or heart transplant) are good candidates for the cardiac rehabilitation program. So are people who are at high risk for coronary artery disease (hardening of the arteries), or those who have had other heart or heart/lung problems. All participants must be referred by their physician for entry into the program.
Each phase addresses specific needs, and progression is dependent upon the participant's individual progress.
- Phase 1: a supervised, electronically-monitored inpatient rehabilitation program. This program is conducted during the patient's hospital stay.
- Phase 2: a supervised, electronically-monitored outpatient rehabilitation program. This program begins following a patient's release from the hospital and includes three sessions per week.
- Phase 3: a supervised, unmonitored exercise rehabilitation program. This program helps the participant maintain good health habits, and the exercise schedule is more flexible. This program may last six weeks (three visits per week).
Phase 4: a supervised, unmonitored exercise rehabilitation program. This is a maintenance program in which a desired level of exercise is achieved and maintained for life. This program lasts as long as the participant chooses.
You will also complete classes on cardiac risk factors, dietary guidelines, exercise and stress management. These are important, and they affect your heart and its condition. Visit with your physician if you feel you may benefit from this program.
For more information about Cardiac Rehab at Prairie Lakes Hospital, call the Cardiac Rehabilitation Department at 605-882-7853.