News and Announcements

Diabetes Alert Day 2015

Tuesday, March 24, 2015
Published in News and Announcements
Over 32 million people have diabetes. More than a quarter of people with diabetes.. don’t know they have it.  American Diabetes Association Alert Day® is a "wake-up call" asking the American public to take the Diabetes Risk Test to find out if they are at risk for developing type 2 diabetes,…

What is Pulmonary Rehab?

Friday, March 13, 2015
Published in News and Announcements
We celebrate Pulmonary Rehab week March 8 – 14, 2015 by honoring both the patients who participate in our program and the healthcare professionals who support, educate, and guide them every day. Do you or someone you know have a chronic lung disease? Learn about Pulmonary Rehab and if it's right fit with…

A Special Lady & Her Legacy

Tuesday, March 10, 2015
Published in News and Announcements
Surrounded by her family, Zelta Jean Wall was almost 93 years old when she passed away in November, 2014 in her home near Strandburg. Throughout her life, Zelta Jean was involved in numerous clubs and activities. One such activity was raising money for the Suzanne Jacobson Memorial Fund (SJMF) through her volunteer work…

New MRI Technology Now Available

Wednesday, February 25, 2015
Published in News and Announcements
Prairie Lakes Healthcare System is proud to announce an upgrade to the MRI machine in radiology. The upgrade brings state of the art technology to the Watertown area, without having to replace the MRI’s magnet. The upgrade to a Signa HDxt 1.5T from GE Healthcare makes the MRI machine engineered…

American Heart Month

Monday, February 23, 2015
Published in News and Announcements
Take care of your heart and your heart will take care of you. Extensive clinical and statistical studies have identified several factors that increase the risk of coronary heart disease or heart attack.  Major risks that you can modify include smoking, high cholesterol, blood pressure, physical inactivity, obesity, and diabetes.…

BASH 2014 Dollars Put To Good Use

Thursday, February 05, 2015
Published in News and Announcements
The Prairie Lakes Healthcare Foundation provided a check for $43,000 to Prairie Lakes Healthcare System to purchase new pulmonary function testing (PFT) equipment.  This type of testing has increased 86% since pulmonologist Dr. Jeffrey Kowitz joined PLHS in August 2013.  The new equipment is called a body plethysmography unit.  It…

Welcome Grant Tillett, Chief Information Officer

Thursday, January 29, 2015
Published in News and Announcements
Welcome Chief Information Officer Grant Tillett to the Prairie Lakes administrative staff. As Chief Information Officer, Tillett will provide executive leadership for strategic IT projects. For the past two years Tillett worked at TruBridge, a subsidiary to CPSI, that’s in the business to consult and manage IT services for rural…

Prairie Lakes Welcomes Wound Ostomy Continence Nurse

Monday, January 26, 2015
Published in News and Announcements
Welcome Jackie Mack, Wound Ostomy Continence Nurse, to Prairie Lakes growing wound care department. Wound ostomy continence nurses provide acute and rehabilitative needs for people with selected disorders of the gastrointestinal, genitourinary and/or integumentary system; and provide direct care to people with abdominal stomas, wounds, fistulas, drains, pressure ulcers, and/or…

Healthy Weight Week

Sunday, January 18, 2015
Published in News and Announcements
We celebrate healthy lifestyles that last a lifetime. This week try these exercise tips and whip up this healthy, easy mediterranean turkey wrap recipe to live actively, eat well, and feel good. Mediterranean Turkey Wrap, recommended by Prairie Lakes/Sodexo Dieticians Prep Time: 15 minutes. Seving size: 1 wrap. 280 calories,…

Black Widow Academy Provides Donations to the Caring Club House

Thursday, January 08, 2015
Published in News and Announcements
Members of the Black Widow Academy (BWA) donated a variety of items to the Prairie Lakes Caring Club House. BWA is a strength and conditioning program for all fitness levels aimed at improving muscular strength, cardio-respiratory endurance and flexibility. BWA is located at 1744 7th Avenue, SW in Watertown, SD.…