Health Care Costs

Prairie Lakes Healthcare System is committed to provide quality healthcare to all people in our region who are in need of services, without regard to their ability to pay. Our patient representatives share information and work with patients to empower them to make informed decisions.  

It is important to remember pricing is complex as it includes many factors, such as:

  • Healthcare is personalized to your needs. A wide range of services, including medications and diagnostic testing, can be used to best treat you. This may include treating any unknown condition that may arise during your care.
    • One visit or stay may present multiple charges from different professionals or entities.
    • One type of service can vary and therefore have different types of charges. For example, a CT scan can be done with contrast and without contrast, depending on your condition and what the provider orders.
  • Level of healthcare service, such as inpatient, outpatient, same day surgery, clinic visits, diagnostic testing, etc.
  • Insurance coverage
    • Your insurance plan: Reimbursement to Prairie Lakes varies from patient to patient as payments are mandated by a variety of entities like insurance companies, commercial health plans, and government payors like Medicare and Medicaid.
    • Your coinsurance/deductible.
    • Whether a provider is in your insurer’s network.
    • Services covered by your insurer.
    • Bundled prices of particular services.
  • Co-pay, deductible, and co-Insurance are due at time of service.

We strive to provide the information you need to make an informed decision regarding your healthcare; at the same time, we ask for understand that all of the prior factors combined make specific advance pricing information difficult to provide to patients. Prairie Lakes Healthcare System is providing good-faith cost estimates and cannot guarantee what you will be charged. The standard charge amounts reflect an average and what each patient actually pays may differ.  If you would like to discuss price estimates, you may call our patient representative at 605-882-7601.

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