Give the Gift of Grain

Tuesday, October 28, 2014
Give the Gift of Grain

Donate Grain. Save Money. Impact Healthcare. 

Benefits for donating grain, or other crops, directly to the Prairie Lakes Healthcare Foundation:
1) The cash basis you avoid including the sale of the cash crop in income, saving on the self-employment tax and federal income tax. 
2) The cash basis you can still deduct from the cost of growing the donated crop as long as the crop is given in a different year than it was grown.

You may make a donation of grain by following these simple steps:
1) Deliver the grain to your local elevator.
2) Ask them to provide a warehouse receipt showing the Prairie Lakes Healthcare Foundation as the owner.
3) Contact the Prairie Lakes Healthcare Foundation to let them know where the grain is stored.
4) The Prairie Lakes Healthcare Foundation will then order the sale with the original sales invoice.

Please read this brochure or contact Alison with the PLHS Foundation at 882.7631 for more information.

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Last modified on Monday, October 27, 2014