All You Need Is Kale

Tuesday, July 01, 2014
All You Need Is Kale

We are always being told to eat more vegetables, and that adding greens to our diet is a great way to be healthier and live longer. Not sure which veggies to add into your diet? Start with Kale.

Kale is one of the the best greens and has an array of health benefits. In just one cup of chopped kale, there is 206 percent of the daily recommended value for vitamin A, 680 percent of vitamin K, 134 percent of vitamin C and only 33 calories. Vitamin A keeps you looking younger and vitamin K helps fight inflammation and helps keep healthy bone density.

Kale is also packed full of fiber and potassium. As if all of this wasn’t enough, kale also plays a role in lowering your risk of several cancers like bladder, colon, breast, ovarian and prostate cancer.

Get the most out of kale by pairing it with foods that bring its best properties forward. Eating it with healthy fats like avocado or sprinkling it with lemon juice will help the body absorb more of what kale can give to you.