Physical Therapist Achieves Pain Certification

Monday, September 24, 2018
Physical Therapist Achieves Pain Certification

Prairie Lakes Healthcare System announces a Therapeutic Pain Specialist certification completion of Physical Therapist, Eric Fjeldheim of Prairie Lakes Rehabilitation Services. Fjeldheim’s certification as a Therapeutic Pain Specialist broadens therapy services available to rehab patients.

Fjeldheim completed a rigorous six month research based curriculum that resulted in advanced clinical competency in the evaluation and treatment of chronic or persistent pain.  The certification included developing an understanding of neurobiology and physiology of pain and advanced treatment. Fjeldheim’s holistic philosophy allows him to empower the patient using individualized treatment programs for all different types of pain.

Those who have been experiencing aches and pains for longer than a few months may benefit from seeing Fjeldheim. Patients can make appointments by calling Prairie Lakes Rehabilitation Services at 605-882-7700.

Prairie Lakes Physical Therapy

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Last modified on Monday, September 24, 2018