Prairie Lakes Celebrates Volunteers Gift of Time

Thursday, April 11, 2019
Prairie Lakes Celebrates Volunteers Gift of Time

When you see a person in the hallways at Prairie Lakes Healthcare System with a bright blue coat on, be sure to say hello. They are a member of our volunteer department who collectively and selflessly donated 21,542 hours of service to Prairie Lakes Healthcare System in 2018. Departments which utilize volunteers at Prairie Lakes consist of Hospice, Pastoral Care, Information and Same Day Surgery Desk staffing, Cancer Center, Gift Shop, the Caring Club House, various specialty clinics, and the supply department. 

Prairie Lakes volunteers were once teachers, businessmen and women, healthcare administrators, law officers of the court, and friendly neighbors. Today they proudly serve our community as volunteers at Prairie Lakes Healthcare System who frequently express their gratitude for the doctors, nurses and staff at Prairie Lakes who keep Watertown and those in our region healthy. Conversely, Prairie Lakes is extremely grateful for them.

Volunteers play a critical role in the daily work at Prairie Lakes. Not only do they work in the Gift Shop and bring patients to dialysis or surgery, but they also sit with patients and their families, lending an ear—and sometimes a laugh—during moments of healing and recovery.

An annual Volunteer Appreciation Event, highlighting our super heroes, was held at the Terry Redlin Pavilion, Tuesday, April 9, 2019. It was a delight to recognize those who do so much by donating their Gift of Time to Prairie Lakes.

If you are interested in providing a Gift of Time through the volunteer program at Prairie Lakes, contact Krista McGillivary, Volunteer Coordinator at 882-7716.

Written by Alison Gilbertson and Krista McGillivary
Last modified on Thursday, April 11, 2019