Eat Fiber, Live Longer

Tuesday, May 13, 2014
Eat Fiber, Live Longer

Being a victim of a heart attack is scary enough. What is even scarier is the risk of having another heart attack or eventually dying from heart disease. So what steps can patients take to prevent this from happening?

According to a study from the British Medical Journal, people who have suffered from a heart attack have a better possibility of living longer if they increase their consumption of fiber. After conducting a study, scientist discovered patients who ate the most fiber had a 25% reduced chance of dying in the 9 years after their heart attack than those we did not increase their fiber intake.

Fiber can be found in many foods such as:

  • Vegetables

  • Beans

  • Fruits

  • Nuts and seeds

  • Breads (especially rye and wheat)

  • Cereals

  • While there are many other lifestyle changes patients will have to make after suffering from a heart attack, scientist believe that increasing your fiber intake will help your overall health and recovery.