Healthy Skin Tips

Monday, November 11, 2019
Healthy Skin Tips

November is Healthy Skin Month, Dr. Jeffrey Smith of Prairie Lakes Dermatology Clinic has helpful tips for the winter months. Dr. Smith is available to see patients with no referral from your doctor.

Living in our region can be particularly hard on your skin, especially in the winter. Here are some tips to help keep your skin healthy throughout the winter. With our cold and dry winters you have to put a little extra effort forward to prevent winter itch and excessive dryness.

    • Avoid long hot showers, instead take a quick shower with warm water
    • When drying off, pat dry, then liberally apply a thick moisturizing cream over your body
    • Generally speaking, the thicker and greasier the cream or ointment the better. Ointments are better than creams, which are far better than lotions
    • Avoid harsh drying soaps, try gentle or moisturizing soaps
    • Moisturize your skin as often as needed to prevent winter itch, which may be 2-3 times daily for those with very dry skin
    • Use a humidifier 

For those of you planning on avoiding our winter and heading to Arizona or Florida, remember to protect your skin with sunscreen, at least SPF 30 and above. Reapply every 2 hours if you are outside. Sun protective clothing is another great option and is available at most sporting good retail stores. Wearing hats, long sleeves, pants, and physicially avoiding the sun will always do a better job than sunscreen. Remember, persistent sun exposure causes UV damage to the skin that leads to the development of skin cancers and premature aging. Stay youthful and cancer free!

If you have any specific concerns or problems, we are here to help. Please call the Prairie Lakes Dermatology Clinic at 605-882-7777 to schedule an appointment.

Enjoy the winter!

Dr. Jeffrey Smith   Dermatology Clinic

Last reviewed by Dr. Smith: November 2019

Written by Jeffrey Smith, MD
Last modified on Friday, November 22, 2019