Upcoming events managed and hosted by Prairie Lakes Healthcare System were changed due to the CDC recommendation to limit group gatherings to help the slow the spread of COVID-19. Current changes:
Advanced Directives Talk the scheduled event for March 25th has been cancelled.
Pathway Through Grief support group meetings scheduled for April and May have been cancelled. If you have any questions please call 605-882-7714.
Your Total Joint Journey classes scheduled for April and May have been cancelled. If you have any questions please call 605-882-7700.
Cancer Support Group meeting for March has been cancelled. The April meeting will be held digitally with the choice to video or phone conference in. If you have any questions please call the Prairie Lakes Cancer Center at 605-882-6800.
Expectant Parent(s) Classes – Prairie Lakes Healthcare System offers free expectant parent(s) classes year-round presented by certified childbirth educators. The next two Childbirth Series will be held via video conference. This includes the four-week series meeting dates: April 2, 9, 16, and 23 (2020 series #4) and April 30, May 7, May 14, May 21 (2020 series #5). Current registrants will be contacted by a child birth educator with additional details. For more information on our expectant parent(s) classes please visit www.prairielakes.com. If you have any questions please call the Prairie Lakes OB Educators at 605-882-7628.
Diabetes Support Group – A new support group created for people of all ages with diabetes began in March and is co-planned by Brown Clinic, Prairie Lakes Healthcare System, and Watertown School District. The April meeting is postponed until August. Please stay tuned regarding the May date.
- May 5 topic: "Exercise" by Dave Greenman, Prairie Lakes Wellness Center (tentative)
- August 4 topic: "Nutrition" by Registered Dietitians at Prairie Lakes Healthcare System (NEW DATE: was originally scheduled for April 7)
For the most up-to-date calendar, please view www.prairielakes.com/health-wellness/community-events