Positive Case and Testing Information

Monday, March 23, 2020

Vital organizations in Codington County are unified to address the COVID-19 pandemic under the Watertown Area Task Force. COVID-19 is a respiratory illness that can spread from person to person. The South Dakota Department of Health announced today that one person tested positive for COVID-19 in Codington County.

The task force reminds community members the best way to decrease the risk of spread is to remain calm and follow the evidence-based self-care guidelines. "We use facts and recommendations from the CDC, the Department of Health, and other healthcare experts to best protect our community," said Mayor Caron. These recommendations and other updates are posted on the newly created Facebook page 2020 Watertown Covid-19 and on this page.

COVID-19 testing in Codington County is available, however testing kits are limited. Until more testing is available, Codington County facilities will prioritize testing aligned with the South Dakota Department of Health; which includes, hospitalized patients, healthcare providers, and persons in communal settings (e.g., long-term care facilities and assisted living centers).

If your symptoms are mild and you are hoping to be tested, please understand that a test may not be ordered due to supply limits. Testing individuals with mild symptoms may not be prioritized in otherwise healthy and well individuals as healthcare providers can only treat symptoms. Please work directly with your primary provider regarding care. The most appropriate course of action may be to stay at home.