WATERTOWN, S.D. March 24, 2020 – To further decrease the risk of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) in the region, Prairie Lakes Healthcare System (PLHS) will start screening staff, patients, and visitors entering the facilities starting Wednesday, March 25.
Staff will screen those entering the hospital at the east (emergency room and surgical services) entrance and main lobby entrance. Screening will also be present at the Prairie Lakes Specialty Clinic entrance, Prairie Lakes Cancer Center entrance, and Prairie Lakes Ear, Nose & Throat Clinic entrance at Mallard Pointe. All other entrances will be locked.
Hours of entrances:
- East entrance (ER and surgical services entrance): 24/7 access
- Main hospital lobby entrance: 5:30 am – 5:00 pm, Monday – Friday
- Prairie Lakes Specialty Clinic, Prairie Lakes Cancer Center, and Prairie Lakes Ear, Nose, & Throat Clinic entrances: normal business hours
Screening is different from testing for the virus. Hospital staff screeners will take the temperature of those entering the facilities and will ask a series of questions related to COVID-19 symptoms and exposure. The screening will help protect community members, patients, and staff.
Community members can help keep each other safe and healthy by following appropriate self-care guidelines provided by the South Dakota Department of Health, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and the unified Watertown Area Task Force.