Foot Health

Monday, April 25, 2016
Foot Health

In recognition of Foot Health Awareness Month we encourage you to think about your feet!

"Foot health is not only important in people with diabetes, it’s important for everyone. When you think about what you do in a day, feet are always involved. Whether it’s at your job, doing activities you love like jogging, walking, biking or playing golf, feet are always there taking the brunt of the work. You should never ignore pain in your feet, just like you wouldn’t ignore a daily headache. Feet can also be early indicators of other health issues as they are the farthest from your heart and lungs, thus the last to get blood flow. If you have questions regarding your foot health, talk to your health care provider." - Jacqueline Loeschke, Wound Ostomy Continence Nurse certified in foot and nail care.

 Tips for Healthy Feet:


Read more: Prairie Lakes Wound Care | Lorinda's Story

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Last modified on Monday, April 02, 2018