Are you considering or planning on having a joint replacement surgery? If so, let the experienced staff at Prairie Lakes Healthcare System assist you in making sure your Total Joint Journey is a positive one from start to finish.
Our therapy staff works closely with the highly-skilled surgeons at Glacial Lakes Orthopaedics to assure each of our valued patients receive the best, well-rounded care possible. At Prairie Lakes, we believe educating our patients prior to surgery is crucial when it comes to preparing for a successful total joint replacement. Joint Journey is a free course we offer to our surgical patients. It is designed to help give the necessary tools and understanding to optimize recovery. After taking this course, patients will arrive for their joint replacement more prepared than ever before, making the experience less worrisome, overall pain control much better, will assist in preventing complications, and will help patients to regain function more quickly.
Prairie Lakes Healthcare System proudly offers inpatient, outpatient, and in-home therapy. To ensure a smooth recovery, therapy staff will discuss equipment needs, address home environment issues, provide individualized exercise programs, and give input regarding the best transitional care options for post hospital rehabilitation.
At Prairie Lakes, it is our goal to provide high quality, compassionate care, and to get patients back to doing the things they love. Prairie Lakes has so much to offer - let us assist you with your upcoming joint replacement.