Personalizing Your Birth Experience

Monday, January 20, 2020
Personalizing Your Birth Experience

As a mom and her partner journey through pregnancy, they need to consider birthing options. Birth plans are a great tool to begin the process of deciding how they would like their labor experience to go. As their desires become known, it opens up a line of communication with their chosen OB physician.

The birth plan should be communicated with the OB physician before delivery and reviewed again with delivery staff once admitted for delivery to ensure everyone knows your desires. Some research suggests that the way a woman experiences pregnancy and childbirth is vitally important for a mother’s relationship with her child. Prairie Lakes Healthcare System (PLHS) staff team-up with OBs to create an experience that is as comfortable, pleasant, and safe as possible. We want that experience to be a healthy one.

When it comes time for delivery, there are several choices to make. This is a special time, and we want to decrease any anxiety moms may have regarding their birth experience. Research shows that upright and forward leaning positions have a positive effect on the duration of labor. We recommend comfort techniques and tools such as birthing and peanut balls, squat bar, whirlpool, and breathing techniques.

By working with OB physicians, PLHS is able to treat uncomplicated, low risk deliveries as well as high risk deliveries. We offer a care-team approach; working with the expectant mom and her family, the physician, nurses, and educators. Certified Childbirth Educators are able to provide knowledge about the labor and delivery process, postpartum period, breastfeeding education and support, comfort measures, and taking care of the newborn.

A tour of the Maternal Child Health department can also help make expectant parents feel more at home. Bringing items from home can also help create the environment one desires.  Items that may make a room feel more at home might include a comfortable pillow, clothing, music, and essential oils.

Above all, our goal is the safe delivery of a healthy baby and a healthy mom. Expecting a baby is an exciting, yet anxious time. We encourage parents to work with their OB physician, prepare their home and loved ones, and attend prenatal education. Preparing for a new­born is the best way to become empowered for what is to come.


 This article was originally published in The Public Opinion's Priority Health.

More information for expecting parents:

Childbirth Classes - Calendar About our Maternal Child Health department Breastfeeding Information

Written by : Micki Cordell, Director of Prairie Lakes Maternal Child Health and Sarah Taylor, Maternal Child Health Educator
Last modified on Monday, January 20, 2020